Hello everyone. Yes life is busy with our little Chinese chatterbox, Jack our new middle schooler and 2 full time jobs that we are horribly behind on our blog. It was 6 months ago last week that we were in China and became a family of four. We are amazed at how the time is flying.
Clare is in K4 with her brother Jack at St Mary's School. She loves school and asked just about every day since we came home when she could start school. After our return from China she just couldn't understand why Guh-Guh was going to school and she wasn't. She proudly tells everyone now that she goes to school every day now- like a big girl.
Reading the blogs of all the people that we traveled with to China it is amazing that everyone is doing so well and we all sound so similar as far as the adjustment period has been. Clare too is happy, inquisitive, talkative (that's putting it mildly!) and doing great in school. The transition to speaking English has been so easy we can't believe it. Someone asked us how we taught her English and my answer was "we talked to her". Wow, wish my brain worked like that. In fact we are now sending her to a Mandarin Chinese class once a week and she can barely say any Chinese words. She said "Mommy I don't talk China anymore- I forgot. I talk English now!"
We are looking forward to our many first Holiday celebrations coming up. It will be great. So far, she thinks the whole Halloween thing sounds wonderful- Candy from all the neighbors! Life is good.
Here are a few pictures from the last months. Hello to all and we'll post again. Thank you for everything the last 6 months and for welcoming Clare home.