Yes we are home and very happy! So sorry it has taken a week to post on our travels to home. We made it home safe and sound Saturday night 4/12 at 10:00 pm. Our wonderful sister-in-law Melissa picked us up at the airport and was waiting holding a sign welcoming Clare home. Thank you Melissa!
Our plane trip home really went well after a rough start with a 5:00 am wake up to get to the airport in China. Clare was not to happy to be shuttled around at such an early hour. After a power nap on the flight from China to Tokyo, Japan things improved greatly. Our 12 hour flight to Detroit(which I was really worried about) went really well. Clare slept for a good 5-6 hours and we were able to entertain her the rest of the time- even though we were speaking different languages!
Sunday was a wonderful day- the sun was shining and we went outside first thing in the morning. Everything looks so beautiful- Spring is in full bloom. The grass is green and the dogwoods and azaleas look better than ever before! Our neighbors came out when they saw us out and about. It was great to see everyone and Clare got to meet the neighborhood gang. She was off and running in no time! It was really a great sight to see. We are so grateful to be home safe and healthy and our long journey complete.
By late afternoon we were really feeling the affects of our jet lag and the 12 hour time difference. Clare fell asleep for what we thought was a nap around 5:00 pm- instead she was done for the night! She slept until 5:00 am Monday morning.
Our sister-in-law Melissa came through yet again- her and my brother Jay arrived around 6:00 pm with a full cooked dinner for us. It was a great meal and it couldn't have been more needed- we were really exhausted and it was such a luxury to have an entire dinner delivered our first night home. Thank you again Melissa!
The week went well as we all recovered from jet lag. Jack bounced back just fine and went to school on Monday. Clare and Mom went to Jack's school on Tuesday for lunch and playground time and Clare got a VIP reception from all of Jack's classmates at St. Mary's. It was really wonderful. Jack was quite the proud big brother- as he should be! Each day got better as we got into the swing of being home. Clare is really quite the character. She is also very strong willed and definitely wants her way. As I write this it's Sunday and today was our first day without a "meltdown" the entire day. We're making progress!
Attached are pictures from our travels to home.