We were supposed to sightsee today but it was raining this morning so we are hanging out at the hotel. Wow it's going to be a long week staying in at a hotel and trying to pass the time. We went to the fitness area and played ping pong- or table tennis as they call it here in China.
We needed our coordinator to come to our room this morning to help translate for us. Clare decided to be naked today and not get dressed. She was emphatic about something but we didn't know what it was since it was all in Chinese. After some interpretation from Dennis our coordinator she decided to go ahead and get dressed.
We were showing Clare our picture book from home and Dennis was explaining to her in Chinese what we were saying about each picture. When she saw a picture of our cats she told him she does not like cats, she is afraid of them because they bite. Oh boy, Jack has his work cut out for him.
We are attaching various pictures we've taken. There is no doubt she has really taken to Daddy or Ba-Ba as she calls him in Chinese.