Sorry about the absence of the taxi ride on the previous blog. I had been feeling pretty computer savvy but I guess I had inflated my skill level. If I can find a geek with our group I'll see if I can get someone to help my post the taxi ride.
Well, It's Sunday night in China. Jack and Clare are sleeping. We are in the hotel room counting down our time here. On Tuesday at noon we fly to Guangzhou, which is a 4.5 hour flight. We have to go there to visit the American Consulate and get an American passport and Visa for Clare. All adopted Chinese children going to the U.S. must leave the country through Ghangzhou. We can't wait to go!
We have done something fun every day but the days stretch out so long in foreign city in a hotel room. We are so very homesick for everything- our home, our family and friends, our pets, green grass, open space, running outside on the path in our neighborhood,ice in our drinks, forks, mowing the lawn, seeing the spring in bloom in Greenville, the list goes on and on. Tomorrow is Monday so we can see the end in sight. We can't wait to board that plane on Saturday morning to head home. I guess I better re-word that and say we can't wait to get off the plane in Greenville. The flight home with our little spitfire non-English speaking Chinese daughter is a bit daunting. To be honest I'm terrified! One way or another we'll get through it.
The journey continues..........we'll keep posting. Thank you for all your love, prayers and support.