Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The picture to beat all pictures!

What do you think- is she an extrovert?

New pictures

We received new pictures of Clare late yesterday. How wonderful! You can see she is very healthy and happy. She has been with a foster family for awhile now to get her ready for family life. Obviously, she is being well taken care of.
We are still waiting for our travel dates. We should find out any day- but the days are dragging on now. We're ready to go!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Clare photo

Thank you so much to Forrest and Robin for sending us this picture of Clare taken last March. They traveled to Shenyang last March to pick up their daughter from the same orphanage and they were the only two girls in their group of children. We hope to meet up in the future since we both live in the Southeast.
We can't wait to see her- she's no doubt changed since last March!

Family of 3- until March!

We had hoped to travel to China by December and have a family of 4 for Christmas. Looks like we will be a family of 4 by Easter though. Finally! Here is a picture from Christmas this year- our last one as a family of 3.

Friday, February 1, 2008

It' Official!

Last Monday on 1/21 we received a phone call from Leslie at Children's Hope notifying us that our LOA(official referral) had finally arrived! This means in 6-8 weeks we will definitely be traveling. Since Jack is going with us it will work out great that one of the weeks we will be in China will be his Spring Break. Things have a way of working out.